melo's blog in progress

what is this?

After months of hesitation and unfruitful test programming, i have settled for this simple website structure (for now!..)

this choice was motivated by my consistent disappointement with instagram, which seems to suck out my soul in a way that is not even pleasurable anymore (some instagram pages i really enjoy are nevertheless listed here ).

my dream would be for all of my friends and people i want to online stalk to have beautiful, marvelous, creative, funny, rich blogs, for the world to be a more colorful place and our desire to share ourselves independent from evil meta gains. here are a bunch of resources that may be useful if you were to take on such a project.

explore at your own risk, and at my own as well. i would like to make a blog which perfectly captures my interests, that offers an user experience similar to if you were to enter my brain delicately and drink tea there with me. this is unachievable, and this attempt puts me at risk of being unsatisfied with myself, i am trying to learn that this is okay.